
By NorbertThompson

How to “accommodate” a diverse group of students?

Accommodate  each person experiences the world differently, which means that there are many ways to learn. These learning styles can have a profound impact on how teachers interact with students, create group projects, and adapt individual learning. Teachers might find that students are not learning the same way as their peers if they don’t recognize and acknowledge these learning styles.

As an educator, you have a responsibility to adapt your lessons to each student. Young teachers who are able to cater to the strengths of each student will ensure that they fully grasp the information.

How can you accommodate different types of Accommodate learners in your classroom? We will be discussing the four learning styles and how teachers can use them in their classrooms.

Learning styles: Accommodate Take a closer look at these learning styles

There are many learning styles and preferences, so not everyone can be classified in one. These are the most popular types of learners.

1. Visual learners

How to identify visual learners in your classroom: A visual learner is someone who prefers to see and observe things. This includes written directions, pictures, and diagrams. This learning style is also known as “spatial”. Visual learners learn better when information is presented visually. These are your list-makers, your doodlers, and the students who take notes.

You can cater to visual learners by using the whiteboard or smartboard. Allow students in Accommodate to draw diagrams and pictures on the board. Or ask them to draw examples based on what they are learning. Visual learners need to be taught by visual teachers. They should use handouts and presentations. As visual learners are more attentive to the visual cues they see, it may take them longer to process information. Give students enough time to process the information.

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2. Auditory learners

How to identify auditory learners in your classroom: Auditory learners learn best when the subject matter can be reinforced with sound. These students prefer to listen to lectures than to read notes. They often use their voices to reinforce concepts. These learners enjoy reading aloud to themselves. These learners are comfortable speaking up in class Accommodate, and they are good at explaining things verbally. They may also be slower readers and repeat what a teacher says.

How to accommodate auditory learners: Auditory learners are often troubled by their inability to remain still for prolonged periods of time. Get your learners involved in the lecture and ask them to repeat concepts to you. Ask them questions and they will answer. Group discussions can be used to help your auditory-verbal processors understand and take in the information presented. This group can also learn by watching videos, listening to music, or using audiotapes.

3. Kinesthetic learners

How to identify kinesthetic learners within your class. Kinesthetic learners are sometimes called tactile learners. They learn by Accommodate experiencing and doing things. They love to be involved in learning by performing actions or using their hands and fingers to grasp concepts. These learners may find it difficult to stay still, and they often enjoy sports or dancing. These learners may need to take frequent breaks while studying.

How to help kinesthetic learners. Teachers can best help these students learn by getting them moving. Encourage students to perform a scene from a book or lesson that you are teaching. Encourage these students to move by using movement in lessons, such as pacing to aid memorizing, games that require students to move around the classroom, or writing on the whiteboard.

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When kinesthetic learners are able to sense the material they’re studying, difficult concepts and abstract ideas become much easier to grasp.

4. Accommodate Writing/reading learners

How to identify reading/writing students in your class. According to Fleming and Mills’ 1992 VARK Modalities theory, reading/writing learners prefer written words. Although there are some similarities with visual learning, these learners prefer to express themselves through writing. They can read articles and books, write in diaries, look up words in the dictionary, or search the internet for almost everything.

How to cater for reading/writing learners: This is the easiest of all the learning styles. Traditional education tends to focus on writing essays, conducting research, and reading books. These students need to be able to read and write well.

Accept all forms of learning

The classroom is not the only place where you can learn about these learning styles. Teachers can empower students for their futures by giving them tools early in their education. The ability of a child to learn best and how they interact with others can have a dramatic impact on their ability to connect with your topics.

You may be interested in classroom management strategies now that you know how to adapt different learning styles.